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Watercolor Learning Experience
my first water color

I was not very knowledgeable about watercolors upon starting this course. I only knew the basics of watercolor. For example, I was already aware that white paint was not required to lighten colors. Water is the medium used to whiten colors. In addition, I knew it was easy to go from dark to light shades. Due to my lack of knowledge pertaining to this popular media, I decided to do a little historical research about watercolors...

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my first water color

The painting of the eye was created shortly after I received the tragic news about my friend passing away. I did it as a way of releasing my frustrations. My emotions were so strong and mixed. I felt as if I had no control over them. That is why I chose to use less water for this particular painting. I wanted to feel like I was in control of something. This particular painting is the darkest one I made this semester. Painting this helped me a great deal...

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my first water color

The painting of the bird is something that I did twice. The first time around, I opted not to sketch the bird and branches in first. This made it very difficult to effectively make the painting. Because I did not draw in the image first, everything was out of proportion. In addition to everything be out of proportion, I could not get the colors exactly the way I wanted them...

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my first water color

I chose to paint these red Gerber daisies that my brother-in-law was going to plant in the garden, because of their vibrant red color. I also wanted to do something spring related. I tried to make the flowers look like they were placed in a vase, but that idea didn’t work out too well. It looks like the flowers are sprouting out of a purple tomato. Additionally, it looks like the pedals and pollen are sparks to light a fuse for a bomb...

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my first water color

Honestly I have never heard of water color. What I thought was that there was just painting which I must say I tried at one time I thought it wasn’t my thing. I have done some drawing with pencil but that was a long time ago and that’s about it. I want to your website and I was amazed by that fact that you can create so many different shades of color can be generated from so few colors...

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my first water color

What I have learned so far in the class is how to mix colors even though I am still in the process of mastering that side of my skill. I am kind of finding really will be a bit of a challenge. I could have an idea in my mind but sometimes since I am used to using pencil I am still taking baby steps when it comes to transferring that picture I have I my head to a color picture, but I am very confident...

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my first water color

This paper is about my experience with water color so far. It has been a case of mixed feelings about painting. I still feel that when I am painting I am being too cautious. I have tried to be less cautious with my latest portrait picture but I was not too happy with it. Trying to translate what is in my head onto paper is the next hurdle. Having said that, I will not relent, I plan to paint until I improve myself as a water color painter...

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my first water color

I finished my first greeting card and I have to say that I like the simplicity of the whole process of coming up with concept of the card. I decide to use the fold fashion because I think those types of cards are conservative and tend to look nice. I used a white border although I added a twist to the whole design which I hope is fine. I used the left side of with a white border while the right side didn’t have a border. I let it bleed to the right. A wanted play around with my creative imagination...

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