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Watercolor Learning Experience
My watercolor painting learning experience with Yong Chen

When I was an art class student at my high school, I used watercolor many times. I loved translucent colors on the white paper. However, at that time, I preferred oil painting rather than watercolor because of my way of painting. I usually I mix various kinds of colors together. Therefore, when I used watercolor, gradually my picture lost brightness of colors. I believed that one of differences between oil color and watercolor is way of using whiteness of paper...

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My watercolor painting learning experience with Yong Chen

I usually use many colors and mix them together to explain my objet. I love finding beautiful colors that compose of my object, creating those colors on the palette and put them on the canvas. Therefore, when colors are limited, it is difficult for me to find exact color I am looking for. I have been struggling with three primary colors such as Winsor Red, Winsor Yellow, and Prussian Blue since the last class...

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My watercolor painting learning experience with Yong Chen

I really like to paint female model. Since this watercolor class begins, I paint female models a lot. I think that there are two reasons that I paint them so many times. First, I am the most convenient model for me. I see myself every day in the mirror and windows. I can observe details of female body whenever I want, therefore, it is very comfortable for me to paint female model. Secondly, I like the softness of female body...

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My watercolor painting learning experience with Yong Chen

I changed the way I use watercolor paints after I submitted six watercolor paintings on the Art show at school. I thought that I knew that watercolor is not a same as oil paints and acrylic, but I realized that I relied on the techniques that I usually use. I believed that my six paintings told me that I did not think about characteristics of watercolor well enough to find real beauty of watercolor...

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My watercolor painting learning experience with Yong Chen

From the last class and my struggle experience, I find more importance of water. Even though I knew that colors become lighter when I mix them with water, I just put a little amount of water. This habit came from art classes at my high school. However, the last class, I had to use a lot of water and this experiment opened my mind...

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My watercolor painting learning experience with Yong Chen

After I left Japan and came to the United States, my art style has changed automatically. Moreover, when I took oil paint class and drawing class at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, some professors recommended me to use watercolor to open my mind. Now, I am creating watercolor paints and few oil color paints at same time at my house...

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