Gallery 1 Gallery 2 Gallery 3 Gallery 4 Gallery 5 Gallery 6 Gallery 7
Gallery 8 Gallery 9 Gallery 10 Gallery 11 Gallery 12 Gallery 13
My painting of the cat next to the bowl and window was a little frustrating. There was to much going on in the painting. So I simplified it with less things going on outside of the window and toned down the curtain with a deeper color. Then I realised that there was to many colors in the picture there was not a true dominant color and a complimentary color... Continue my watercolor learning experience
The horse painting was so enjoyable to do. I love the contrast in colors. With the deep back ground that brings out the light and meduim tones of the horse. This painting was one of the easiest I have done so far. When you use less colors, dark and light tones it gives the painter an easier choice as to what to use... Continue my watercolor learning experience
I think that I should have taken more time and moved the bird more toward the middle of the painting. So now I am not going to only spend 3 or 4 hours on a painting. Time is much better spent when you are taking your time. I love using the blue colors in this painting and trying to make the feathers look real... Continue my watercolor learning experience
When I started painting my grandfathers face I began to only see lines, in class you showed me that it is not the lines to look for! it is the shapes and shadows then my eye started to see them as I went on painting everyday for about seven days 3-4 hours a day I found that putting the shapes together was like putting a puzzle together... Continue my watercolor learning experience
This new assignment is focus on using two contrast groups of colour to create a painting. Followed by the colour theory that I learned from last class, the contract colours are any two colors which are directly opposite to each other in the colour wheel, such as red and green... Continue my watercolor learning experience
This work was focus on how to use one color to paint. Before I took this watercolor class, when I thought about the one color painting, it usually associates with simple, flat and boring. But now I knew that with one color, I could use water to control its value between dark to light, as more water I added, the paler the color would become... Continue my watercolor learning experience
First of all, I drew a part of my hose and left a large part of paper keeps white to indicate the snow. And I used the light value of color to paint the garage and the forest that a little far away from the front door. Then, I used the enlarge photo to paint me and my aunt, so I can painted the people’s detail more particular. Generally... Continue my watercolor learning experience
This is my first time taking a watercolor painting course. When I first began the class I had no idea what to expect, but now that we're half way into the semester, I have no regrets or second thoughts about ever signing up for this class... Continue my watercolor learning experience
The process of this second project was much different then my first watercolor painting in this course. I feel like I understand the difference between contrast (light and dark). I chose to draw an ice cream cone because it was pretty simple and it would also show a color variation between the ice cream and the cone... Continue my watercolor learning experience
I feel very strongly about my color choice and placement. My colors came out the way I wanted them to, very bright with a variety of shades. The only complaint I have is choosing a photo with better light quality and using a different angle for the image section with me in it. I wish I could have made myself a little bit larger than I did in the actual image... Continue my watercolor learning experience