children's book Maria's Loose Tooth illustrations by Yong Chen

watercolor painting by Haruka Sauda, a proud student of Yong Chen

Watercolor painting by
Haruka Sauda

Haruka Sauda's watercolor learning experience:
I usually use many colors and mix them together to explain my objet. I love finding beautiful colors that compose of my object, creating those colors on the palette and put them on the canvas. Therefore, when colors are limited, it is difficult for me to find exact color I am looking for. I have been struggling with three primary colors such as Winsor Red, Winsor Yellow, and Prussian Blue since the last class. I mix those three colors again and again to find colors that I want to use. However, the more I mixed color, the more I lose the brightness of each color. For example, the last time I painted white roses. When I painted them, I kept adding colors, finally, my roses became much more darker than I wanted to be.

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