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Painting A Yellow Apple

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Building up the Value

Painting method: step 4When the painting is dry, apply a layer of green color wash to the dark side of the yellow apple and in the hollow where the stem is attached.

Leave some area to untouched, these area will be the area for the highlight area. At the step, it is important to keep your mind on the overall look and big block comparison, keep everything alive, each step has a goal, and this is building up the value.

Add Contrast to the highlights

Painting method: step 5Now that we have built up the color values, we give the apple more life. in this last step, we add a touch of complementary color (red-orange) to the lighter side of the apple. (Definition: Complementary Colors are two colors that are positioned opposite each other on the color wheel.)The complementary color to use here is yellow mixed with red. Then you can add just a bit of red for the top.

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