Original watercolor painting

Painting A Yellow Apple

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First Layer of Color

Painting method: step 2I usually use the three primary colors: red, yellow, and blue and burnt umber. Use the white of the paper for the lightest areas of highlight and do not paint over them. Mix yellow with water then apply to the lighter side of the apple, covering about 80% of it. Be careful not to cover the highlight area. Then, mix burnt umber with a similar amount of water and apply to the dark side of the apple. Let this dry before going on.

Second Layer of Color

Painting method: step 3When the first layer is dry, mix a cool grey color using all three primaries. Adding more blue will make the color appear cool. Paint the apple’s shadow. Use your brush side-ways so that brush-tip (with its heavier load of paint) is touching the side of the shadow nearest you. The shadow nearest you should be darker and fade gently to a lighter value as it goes away from you. Then, mix a green color (yellow and blue) and apply onto the light area of the apple. Be sure not to let these two new colors touch each other. Let dry.

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