portrait paintings by Yong Chen

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Portrait of people are always my favorite subjects in my paintings, especially painting people in watercolor. After years of doing portrait paintings in oil and gouache, I turned to watercolor. I found that watercolor portrait painting of people is not only challenging, but also quite interesting. Since each person has his/her unique personality and background, it requires a different approach in each watercolor portrait painting, to capture the uniqueness.

In the years of teaching watercolor portraiture class in the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, I searched for the effective ways to teach other artists to learn this most challenging painting medium and subject matter. In this gallery I selected portrait paintings of the people in a range of different ages and personalities. If you like to see samples of how watercolor portrait painting in progress in a step-by-step process, click here to enter the online learn center. To learn more about my portrait painting process, please click here to continue in my portrait painting commission information.

In this gallery, I selected these watercolor portrait paintings, include women, men, children, college student, elder, and different skin colors. Besides painting portraits, I also like to paint all other subjects, like fruits, include different types of apple, banana, flowers, birds, cats, dogs, and landscape. To view some of my watercolor paintings of houses, click here.

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