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Painting a Home Portrait in Watercolor
Watercolor landscapt painting demonstration

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Starting with the Sky

Watercolor painting method: painting into the backgroundTo begin the painting, I stretched the paper on a wood board. I used a big flat brush to wet the upper portion of the paper (behind the house) with pure water, for the sky and the tree area on the left.

While the area was still wet, I took a round Chinese brush, dipped some blue mixed with water and brushed the paint into the sky area.

I then applied yellow for the tree. Notice that I did not cover the entire area with yellow, but left some spots untouched.

These are the spaces where the sky will show through.

First Wash on the House

Watercolor painting method: wash the backgroundWhen the sky area was dry, I started painting the front of the house. First, I applied some yellow color to the left side of the house, and continuously washed the rest of the wall with a mixture of blue and burnt sienna. For the other side of the house next to the red maple tree, I started from the left upper corner with yellow and added more and more red towards the lower right corner of the wall.

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