Technique Practice
Before you start the painting, I like you to do a practice of the techniques you are about to use, which is wet-into-wet, wet-on-dry, and lifting-off.
I first put some yellow color with a wet flat brush, then I mix some red into the yellow to make orange. I add the orange color next to the yellow color. Now I need to mix a darker color. I take some red, and blue, mix them with the orange color. Now I add this dark color into the wet color on the left. Since the area is still wet, it created a smooth transitions from one color to anthers. I clean the brush to lift-off the color for a soft highlight. Now I quickly take some red color, and add it to the left-lower area.
To avoid the access color from dripping down on the paper, or going back up to the paint, I simply dry my brush to blot the extra wet paint away.
These are the key techniques that we will use for the following painting. Do a couple of times or until you feel comfortable with the process, then click on the next link on the right to proceed.
Continue painting a Yellow Apple in watercolor: Next Step >
Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5, Step 6. Step 7,