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Watercolor Demo: Painting a Lemon

Final Touch

This is our final step of this painting. This step is for us to rebalance the value, adjust the colors, or perform any final touches before signing your name.

In this stage, there are two things I would like to do. First I would like the lemon look a bit warmer. So I take some red color with a fair amount of water to wash over this area. Again, clean my brush, with only clean water I blend the red color from the edge. I use water dilute the paint on paper to make a graded wash from darker red to very light.

The second thing I would like to do is to use the dry brush method to soften the highlight area. I use the 3 quarter inch flat brush for this task. I take some yellow. Make sure the brush does not have much water. Then I hold the brush lightly on the paper, in the way the brush just touches the surface of the paper texture. The last thing is to sign your name to the painting.

Painting a Lemon in watercolor:
Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5, Step 6. Step 7,

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