portrait paintings by Yong Chen

original watercolor painting by Yong Chen

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Stay Together

Original Watercolor Painting - contact us for details if you are interested.
Size: 12 x 12 inches
Medium: Watercolor painting on watercolor paper

All things are connected in the universe, at least I truly believe so. A walk on a seashore in my hometown along outside the village. The waves pushed the dirty water toward to the beach. The sound repeated the same rhythm never stop. I spotted a pair of old wooden boats. In spite of all the changes and movement surrounding them, they stay together, like two partners in life. They supported each other just by being there, together, day and night, and never apart.

This watercolor painting as my contribute and respect to all the simple people out there. Though they may not been able to travel across the big sea as the big and strong ships, and thy don’t have the beauty to make them standout and admired by the thousands, but, they have the true love and encouragement from each other, block off all the noises and ignore all the movement happening around. Stay together, for love.

A local television station produced a program during my exhibition in New Hampshire and this painting was a part of the program. Click here to watch the video and learn more about the "stories behind my paintings".

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