Watercolor portrait painting with complementary colors in mind
Watercolor portrait painting demonstration
In this 20 minute watercolor painting, Yong demonstrated the use of complementary colors in the composition and design. In this step-by-step video demonstration, he shown you that the concept and design started from the observation of the personality of the model, then choose an angle and background for the best to enhance this unique personality. In this quick watercolor portrait painting demonstration, Yong used brown color and green as the complementary colors in this portrait painting.
Other watercolor painting techniques demonstrated in this video log include:
Wet-in-wet: when and how to apply wet brush paint in the area which the previous watercolor layer is still wet, and how much wet and dry of the second wash should be (compared to the water saturation in the area) of the for certain effect. Yong shown this technique when he painted on the face which the area was still wet.
Dry-in-wet: this is an instance of the above mentioned technique when you allow only very little water in the brush to paint into a wet area to create various watercolor brush effect.
And lifting-off: lifting-off is a technique to use a clean brush to withdraw watercolor pigment from watercolor paper. There are two types of lifting-off technique, one is when the paper is still wet and the pigment is still on the surface of the watercolor paper; another is when the paper has been dried and the pigment has been settled and absolved into the watercolor paper. In this watercolor portrait demo, Yong demonstrated the simple way to lifting-off color after he applied the first wash to the paper and the area was still wet.