children's book Maria's Loose Tooth illustrations by Yong Chen

my first watercolor painting experience: watercolor painting of red tomato by Sulian Liang, a proud student of Yong Chen

Watercolor painting by
Sulian Liang

Sulian Liang's watercolor learning experience:
In my few watercolor paintings, I like the tomato mostly because it looks like still live and the color is almost the same as the nature. I feel satisfy of this painting and I am proud of myself that I can do it like real.

I got the picture from a calendar. There are a lot of vegetables and they look fresh and lovely. I like the red color so I try to painting it. In the beginning, I am not sure that I can do it well.

I started my painting just with the same color. It looks flat. I don't like it. Then I noticed the light and the shadow. I lifting-off the color, make it light than the other part. The light is around on the top of the tomato because the tomato is round. I add the heavy color on the bottom and the shadow is from heavy to light. After that, the whole painting looks different. It looks better than before.

From this painting I learn about the value of the color, same color different value can make it looks true, light and dark can tell you the dimension of the object. The light divided the shape. The shadow should be nature.

Through this painting, I feel confidence on my art.

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