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One of my methods of painting a still-life watercolor
Step-by-step still-life watercolor painting demonstration

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Bring the subjects to life

How to paint a watercolor still-life painting of mandarin oranges and persimmons from setting to finish, demonstrated by Yong Chen

When I have accomplished the overall dark and light value and color balance, I started to work on the form of the main subjects.

I started from the bananas, then proceeded to the mandarin oranges on the right, then the ones on the left, and finally the persimmons at the front. This was the time to enrich the colors of the subjects by defining the light and shadow. During this step, I paid close attention to the reflective colors from other subjects in the setting. As I developed a richer relationship among the subjects, I moved the color and value balance to the next level. I avoided staring at an object for too long, because what I was working on was the relationship and balance.

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