a girl's imagination and drawing of cat and her funny story with the imaginary cat

Comic and Drawing: Me and My Cat #2

imagination and drawing of cat in an artistic girl's comic art and her loving story

One snowy day my cat purred to me to wake up and look outside. I looked out my window and saw snow falling. Oh, I forgot. My cat's name is Meow. My cat hides every time the snow fell.

"Morning, Meow." I called my cat.
"Meow? Where are you?!?" I called again.

The only way to make my cat get out of her hiding place is to put "Cat Crunch" in her bowl while it stays hot in great taste. Meow can come out of her hiding place by smelling the smell of "Cat Crunch".

I was thinking of a formula, "Meow + Cat Crunch = ?"

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