Illustration and Published Work

Watercolor Paintings for Children's Books and Magazines

From the year 1995, Yong Chen has been teaching drawing, painting, and illustration classes at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design and at Bunker Hill Community College (Boston, Massachusetts), as well as exhibiting his oil, watercolor and illustrations in galleries in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, and New Hampshire.

As early as in 1993, Yong started illustrating stories for children. At 1995, he accepted the illustration project for picture book "Miz Fannie Mae's Fine New Easter Hat" from Little, Brown and Company in Boston. Since then, he has been authored/illustrated several children's books and worked for various children's magazines. In 2009 Yong graduated from the University of Hartford with a Master of Fine Arts degree in Illustration. Before his completion of his MFA, the picture book, "A Gift," which he wrote and illustrated, was published by Boyds Mills Press.

children's books and magazines by Yong Chen

The titles of Yong's published works include:

Children's picture book "The Shofar Must Go On"
Written by Lina Schwarz, published by PJ Library in the Spring of 2016

Children's picture book "A Gift"
Written and illustrated by Yong Chen, published by Boyds Mills Press in the September of 2009

Children's picture book "Finding Joy"
Written by Marion Coste, published by Boyds Mills Press in the October of 2006

Children's chapter book "Swimming with Sharks"
Written by Twig C. George, published by HarperCollins Publishers in the Summer of 1999

Children's chapter book "Starfish Summer"
Written by Ona Gritz-Gilbert, published by HarperCollins Publishers in the Summer of 1998

Children's picture book "Miz Fannie Mae's Fine New Easter Hat"
Written by Melissa Milich, published by Little, Brown and Company in 1997

Children's picture book "Maria's Loose Tooth"
International Special Gifts Inc. 1994

Yong also illustrated some stories for Spider Magazine, Cricket Magazine, and AppleSeeds Magazine.



从1995 年起, 我在麻省艺术学院(波士顿, 马萨诸塞州-麻省)教了几年的水彩画和水彩肖像课及讲座。同时我在新罕布什尔州,马萨诸塞州,佛蒙特州和罗德岛州的画廊多次开办我的个人美术作品展览。早在, 1993 年我开始为儿童故事创作插图。我的第一本出版的儿童画书是"玛丽亚的宽松牙" 由Special Gifts国际出版,当时我还是在波士顿的马萨诸塞州立艺术学院学习美术插图创作呢。当我刚要结束我的插图艺术学士的学习时, 我接受了为儿童图书“Miz Fannie Mae的美好的神奇的新复活节帽子”创作的项目(波士顿 Little 、Brown和 Company 1996出版)。从那以后, 我继续为几本儿童图书和一些儿童杂志作美术创作的工作。最近,我原著和创作的儿童图书 “A Gift” 在2007年被美国宾夕法尼亚州著名的 "精彩杂志" HighLights Magazine 出版社属下的 Boyds Mills Press 儿童书籍出版公司接纳,出版和发行。并于2009年暑期在美国各大书行正式发售。

A Gift 是一本关于中国人爱心相连的儿童故事。 A Gift 是一本描述无论我们身在何地,中国亲人都会时刻相互惦念,相互慰问,将中华民族的优秀传统代代延续,以作为炎黄子孙而自豪的艺术写照。该书共有15幅精美的水彩画。这本儿童图书是我多年来精心营造的,其故事取材于家人和身边朋友们的真实感人的故事。A Gift 是我十多年来儿童图书绘画和创作最值得自豪的作品(阅读更多关于这本儿童图书)。


