Online College Art Courses at BHCC
Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) is a comprehensive, multi-campus urban institution. Founded in 1973, BHCC is the largest community college in Massachusetts and ranks among the 25 fastest growing public two-year colleges in the United States. The College currently enrolls more than 14,000 students in day, afternoon, evening, late-evening, midnight, weekend, and web-based and distance-learning courses and programs each semester.
In 2008, Yong Chen returned to BHCC to teach painting, drawing and other foundation studio art classes. Now he is an associate professor of art. He has been successfully developed and brought two popular studio art courses online: Watercolor I, and Drawing I. Click here to register for these online courses.

Take Yong Chen's Watercolor and Drawing Online Courses
Above slideshow displays some students' artwork from professor Chen's online Drawing and online Watercolor classes. If you need the college credits and love to learn watercolor and drawing, this is the most convenient way to learn. These are semester-length 3 credit college courses. Each week you will access to new learning materials and videos, and the professor will give you feedback each week on your homework through an online review center.
Drawing I, 3 credits
Drawing I is an introductory studio course designed to examine basic vocabulary and drawing skills and concepts. Using a wide range of drawing media, students work primarily from observation mastering the concepts of objective drawing. While concentrating on the formal visual elements –line, shape, value, texture and (limited) color, students explore such concepts as figure/ground, scale, positive and negative space, proportion, perspective, volume, light, compositional issues and pictorial unity. There is an emphasis on writing and communication skills for mastery of basic vocabulary, and process of evaluation and critique.
Watercolor I, 3 credits
An introduction to the medium of watercolor paint, this course demonstrates and explores basic techniques such as wet-on-dry, wet-on-wet, and washes. Students draw from observation and learn to manipulate value, tone, and color. Class time includes one-on-one instruction and group critiques. This course meets General Education “Humanities” Requirement 6. Prerequisites: Placement in College Writing I (ENG111) and Fundamentals of Math (MAT090).
Get ready to join us in the coming semester, and have fun!