children's book Maria's Loose Tooth illustrations by Yong Chen

watercolor painting by Emma Schenstrom, a proud student of Yong Chen

Watercolor painting by
Emma Schenstrom

Emma Schenstrom's watercolor learning experience:
After our first critique class I felt like I had gained a lot of new information. Seeing other people’s art, comparing, getting ideas and learning what could be improved, worked more on etc. was very informative.

One thing that I keep reminding myself is that a painting should always look undone. If it looks completely done, then it will look like a copy from the picture you are painting. Further, in order to give the painting personality, you should put your own touch to it. However, although I want to put my own touch into a painting, I feel like it is easier said than done. I am struggling with how to get my own way of painting and adding the personality that I want to it. Another thing about that is that can simplify one part of the painting while going in to too many details on other parts. Keeping it consistent all over the painting is something I have to keep in mind. Though I learned that by moving my eyes around the painting and spending no more than 10 seconds on one part, that can probably do the trick and keep you consistent all over the painting.

I will keep in mind (since I have a tendency to jump right into the painting rather than drawing or sketching before) that by putting a lot of time on the actual drawing you really save a lot of time. By doing so you get the composition right and you can erase and change it if you got it too big, too small or too high or too low, etc. Drawing beforehand can also help you point out and define a strong focal point to your painting.

Additionally, painting from observation – such as pictures or from real life, not only makes it easier to do a good job, it will simply not look real, if you just make up something in your mind. By painting from observation, you can really look into shapes and shades, the different values, where the light is coming from and how detailed the front is compared to the background, etc.

I wish we could do more of class critique because I feel like I learn a lot by looking at and discussing other people’s work. There is a lot to learn from each and everyone of us.

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