Comic books by Ellen Chen about her cat and her imagination

Comic and Drawing: Me and My Cat #1

imagination and drawing of cat in an artistic girl's comic art and her loving story

What made my cat fear are baths. She was afraid of shampoo. The one who gave it to her is my brother, Kai. Mom told him not to use shampoo. She told him to use soap.

imagination and drawing of cat in an artistic girl's comic art and her loving story

My brother was selfish on my cat. So I gave her a bath with soap. She always wanted me every time. Whenever she was sick, I took her to the animal care to get her medicine. She thought the medicine I gave her was milk.

Oh, she is so silly, too! She always thinks that Mom's dish is a toy dish but she avoids it. Another fear of hers was fire. Whenever she sees it she thinks she's on fire.

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